Monday, January 25, 2016

An Angel Descends

After an extended break, Corporate Troubleshooter is now back with a new article!  I'd like to say that I've been spending the past few months developing and testing a batch of new decks, but sadly I've been a bit stagnant.  As such, I'd like to go over the deck idea I spent a few months tinkering with.

After Universe of Tomorrow came out, some people came up with an interesting combo using Data Leak Reversal, Wireless Net Pavilion, and Paparazzi.  The combo was further enhanced by the addition of Joshua B., Fall GuyScrubberStreet Peddler and Off-Campus Apartment.  In fact, this combo is the basis of the 2015 World Championship Runner Deck  And as such, the most popular identity for this combo was Valencia Estavez.  Of course, with the latest errata, Wireless Net Pavilion is now unique, making the combo a little less effective.

However, I'm not here to talk about this combo.  Instead, I'll be discussing my experimental build using Valencia and its slow evolution.

Angel of Data 1.0

Not exactly the most creative name for this deck, but I couldn't come up with something that described it well.  The basic idea is to build up bad publicity on the corporation using Frame Job and Investigative Journalism, then shut down the corporation's hand with Itinerant ProtestersTallie Perault can add a little more bad publicity, and possibly gives cards.  Plascrete Carapace helps against kill decks.  Archives Interface allows you to remove cards from the game that the corporation want to reuse, or cards that could hurt you while in the Archives.  Keyhole allows you to chip away cards from R&D that the corporation might want or need, and Eater makes for an efficient breaker to use with Keyhole.  Vigil is the primary draw engine, and becomes more efficient with Itinerant Protesters in effect.  Account Siphon, Sure Gamble, and Liberated Account make up your economy.  All three shards are present to break up combo decks that utilize Power ShutdownVamp should help to keep the corporation poor.  Blackmail is standard in Valencia decks and Déjà Vu gives you some recursion.  Same Old Thing lets you reuse some events.  Your breaker suite, while depending on Eater for many things, also includes Corroder, Mimic, and Force of Nature to get into servers when you need to access.

So I spent some time trying that out.  And I modified it a bit more, to use the influence I hadn't spent.

Angel of Data 1.1

I've removed two of the shards, leaving only Hades Shard to disrupt the Power Shutdown combo.  I also pulled out the Vamp so I could bring in three copies of Special Order, in order to get the breakers out faster.  Even so, there are still problems with this build.  Force of Nature is still very inefficient, even with bad publicity.  Plus the draw engine is still very slow.  As such, I made more changes.

Angel of Data 1.2

Force of Nature is gone, along with one copy of Special Order and the Hades Shard, which freed up enough influence for Gordian Blade.  Also, Plascrete Carapace was swapped for I've Had Worse, which speeds up drawing and can be reused with Same Old Thing.  The two remaining slots were filled with Dyson Mem Chip, which allows the entire rig to be installed simultaneously, even without a Vigil in play.

So that's the deck.  Had some mixed success and failure with the ongoing build.  Perhaps later I'll return and see if I can improve on the build, but for now, there are some other ideas I'm pursuing.

Until next time, lookout for back-doors in your servers.