Friday, May 22, 2015

Back to Basics

Recently in one of the Netrunner leagues I'm in, we had a theme night.  This time the theme was to build a deck using only the Core set and the Deluxe boxes.  So I went the extra step and built two decks using only the core set.

Gabriel Santiago

Femme Fatale - 1
Ninja - 2
Sneakdoor Beta - 2
Crypsis - 3
Corroder - 2 (4 Influence)
Gordian Blade - 2 (6 Influence)

Desperado - 1
Akamatsu Mem Chip - 1 (1 Influence)

Bank Job - 2
Crash Space - 2
Decoy - 2
Armitage Codebusting -3

Account Siphon - 2
Easy Mark - 3
Forged Activation Orders - 3
Inside Job - 3
Special Order - 3
Infiltration - 3
Sure Gamble - 3
The Maker's Eye - 2 (4 Influence)

Just out of the box, Gabe has the potential to be one of the strongest runners.  Solid economy, efficient breakers, and a little multi-access.

Making News

AstroScript Pilot Program - 2
Breaking News - 2
Priority Requisition - 3
Private Security Force - 3

Data Raven - 3
Tollbooth - 3
Enigma - 3
Hunter - 2
Wall of Static - 3
Archer - 2 (4 Influence)
Hadrian's Wall - 2 (6 Influence)
Rototurret - 2 (2 Influence)

Ghost Branch - 3
Melange Mining Corp. - 2
PAD Campaign - 3

SanSan City Grid - 1

Closed Accounts - 2
Psychographics - 2
Hedge Fund - 3
Beanstalk Royalties - 3 (3 Influence)

A minor note here: the deck I brought originally didn't have the Rototurrets or the Hunters.  I've added them in now to boost the ice count and decrease agenda density, plus I forgot to use up all of the influence, which is where the turrets come in.  But anyway, it's got a decent array of ice, with some good economy, although you may need to protect your assets.  Ghost Branch makes for a good ambush, since you can trigger it without spending any money.  The single SanSan helps with Fast Advance, and can be used to force the runner to spend a significant amount of money trashing it.  Priority Requisition has a bunch of good targets (Archer, Hadrian's and Tollbooth,) plus Breaking can be forfeited to get an Archer online.  Psychographics may or may not be usable over the course of the game, but it can help.  Still, it could maybe be switched out for Anonymous Tip if card draw is really necessary.  Or Red Herrings could be brought in to help protect agendas.

So, out of 6 games played, I managed 2 runner wins, 1 corp win, 1 runner loss and 2 corp losses.  Pretty much average play using just the core set.  Still, the fact that it is possible to do so well with just the core set is impressive.  Now to try this during regular play nights.

Until next time, remember to ice up your servers.

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