Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Throwing My Life Away

Wow, another month passed without a post thanks to a combination of apathy and lack of ideas.  But I have started working on a new idea.

With The Underway, Anarch runners got a new tool in the form of Faust.  It's a decidedly interesting concept to base a deck around.  But to use it, we're going to have to draw a lot of cards every turn.  So, we may as well stick with Anarch because Faust is in faction, and so are Wyldside and Adjusted Chronotype.  Also, we can take advantage of I've Had Worse.  That gives a good deal of card draw, but we'll need a lot, so we need a runner who will greatly benefit from card draw.

Yeah, that works.

Throw Your Life Away

Again, the strategy is to draw lots of cards between WyldPancakes and MaxX's ability.  Faust is supposed to be your main breaker, but you've also got Corroder, Mimic, and Yog.0 for when you run out of cards and also to deal with ice that doesn't play well with Faust (such as Wraparound, Swordsman, and Turing.  You've got Datasucker to drop ice down and Net-Ready Eyes to buff your breakers up.  Plus, Medium gives you some multi-access in R&D.  To hold all those programs, you've got Grimoire.  To let you hold more cards, you've got Braincage and you've also got Skulljack to make Corp cards cheaper to trash, which lets you dig deeper on subsequent runs.  For resources, you've got the combo of WyldPancakes, but you've also got Daily Casts for some drip economy and you've got Same Old Thing to recur events.  As for those events, they're possibly the big thing.  Sure Gamble and Lucky Find give you some burst economy.  I've Had Worse gives a burst of cards before making a run, or works as insurance against being flatlined (say, by a Snare! or a Scorched Earth.)  Amped Up and Wanton Destruction allow you to destroy the Corp's HQ, forcing them to spend a turn drawing back up or giving you some more control over their hand.  Finally, you have some recursion in Deja Vu and Levy AR Lab Access, letting you get back a specific card or your entire deck respectively.

So, the current version shown in this decklist is not exactly the initial version.  The earlier version didn't have the Datasuckers, the Mediums, or the Deja Vu.  The earliest version didn't have the Lucky Finds either, instead using Career Fair and Easy Mark for additional economy.  But, to be honest, it take up about the same amount of time to use Lucky Find while using fewer cards, which allows more room for other cards.  The Grimoire wasn't in the earlier deck either, because there wasn't a need for additional memory at the time.  Also, the earlier deck included Chrome Parlor to mitigate away the penalty of installing the cyberware.

The goal is to set up and draw lots of cards to fuel Faust.  This in turn let's you get into pretty much any server, be it a remote for a single steal, HQ for a Wanton Destruction, R&D for a Medium dig, or Archives to see if you destroyed any agendas.  The big problem is that once you've cycled through the deck twice, you're now dependent on your secondary breakers to do the work.  Plus, the economy also runs out, so you may run out of money as well at the endgame.  Still, if you can hit the corp hard and fast enough, it doesn't really matter if you take brain damage and throw away your cards.

Until next time, turn the volume up to 12.

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