Thursday, May 12, 2016

Nothing to Hide

About two months ago, I talked about a deck that made use of Off the Grid and Breaker Bay Grid.  In the time since then, I've experimented with a build that goes a bit farther with the concept.  After all, why not put your plans out in the open where your opponent can see them, but can't do anything about them?

Here at Gagarin Deep Space, we have nothing to hide.

Nothing to Hide - 54 cards
Identity: Gagarin Deep Space - Expanding the Horizons

Agendas - 22 points
Hollywood Renovation - 3
New Construction - 3
Oaktown Renovation - 3
Underway Renovation - 1

Enigma - 3
Excalibur - 1
Hadrian's Wall - 2
Ice Wall - 3
Orion - 1
Shadow - 3
Wormhole - 2

Jackson Howard - 3 (3 influence)
Mumba Temple - 3 (6 influence, reduced to 0)
Museum of History - 3 (6 influence, reduced to 0)
PAD Campaign - 3

Breaker Bay Grid - 3
Caprice Nisei - 3 (12 influence)
Crisium Grid - 3
Off the Grid - 3

Hedge Fund - 3
Interns - 2

The major difference between this deck and the previous version of the Off the Grid/Breaker Bay Grid deck is that this one is a lot more dependent on asset spam.  Gagarin help to make that a bit more viable by upping the cost to access the cards.  Plus, it makes it a bit more expensive for them to steal agendas in your scoring server.

The amount of ice has been lowered a bit to allow for Mumba Temple.  Both Ice Wall and Enigma let your protect your servers quickly.  Hadrian's Wall and Wormhole provide big, expensive to break blockers.  Shadow is mostly taxing, potentially getting you some money back as well.  Orion works as another big blocker.  Excalibur is interesting.  Ideally, it should probably be placed on HQ, to keep your opponent from making a run on your scoring remote if they take out Off the Grid.

Agenda suite is entirely made out of Public agendas.  Oaktown Renovation makes a good amount of money, especially if you can press your luck.  Hollywood Renovation can make Ice Wall, Hadrian's Wall, and Shadow stronger, or make Wormhole and Orion cheaper.  New Construction let's you set up your assets a bit faster, and if you can get it up to 5, you could install and rez an Off the Grid for free.  Underway Construction rounds out the suite, and possibly lets you destroy your opponent's deck.

For assets, Jackson is standard, both for recursion and also for drawing.  Mumba Temple makes it cheaper to rez your ice, assets, or upgrades.  Museum of History gives some additional recursion.  PAD Campaign provides for some cheap drip economy.

Your main combo, of course, is Breaker Bay Grid and Off the Grid.  This keeps one remote from the runner until they get into HQ.  Caprice helps keep them out, so she should probably be on HQ.  Crisium Grid should definitely be on HQ, and also possibly Archives.  Depending on your matchup, you might want the third one on R&D.

Rounding out the deck are the operations.  Hedge Fund provides a nice burst of economy.  Interns lets you get back whatever you need, be it a piece of ice, an asset, or an upgrade.

The main problem I can see with this deck is the recent release of Salsette Slums.  With this, the runner can remove the pieces of your combo from the game, making it impossible to recur them.  The only solution I can think of that would be reasonable in this deck would be Elizabeth Mills, but since I can't think of anything to remove, it would likely involve adding 2 copies of Underway Renovation and 3 copies of Elizabeth.

Still, this deck has done quite well for me so far.  I have a 66% win rate with it, but my statistical sample is 9 games, so take that with a grain of salt.

Until next time, remember to wear protective gear while in a construction zone.

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