Thursday, December 22, 2016

Coming this Summer

I believe it must have been this past summer when I first started experimenting with an idea for a new form of the Butchershop deck.  Granted, Butchershop may have been in decline at that point.  After all, I think that was around the time when the 2015 World Championship decks were released, bringing Data Leak Reversal Paparazzi Wireless Net Pavillion Fall Guy to the masses.  Still, I went on tinkering with the idea.  And I was still able to win a few games with it.  So I present to you my own spin on Butchershop:

Michael Bay Presents: Explosions! - 49 cards
Identity: Harishchandra Entertainment - Where You're the Star

Agendas (21 points)
Executive Retreat - 3
Restructured Datapool - 3

Data Raven - 3
Hunter - 2
Pop-up Window - 3
Tollbooth - 3
Wall of Static - 1
Wraparound - 3

Jackson Howard - 3
Lily Lockwell - 3
PAD Campaign - 3

Archived Memories - 1 (2 influence)
Hedge Fund - 3
Midseason Replacements - 2
Scorched Earth - 3 (12 influence)
SEA Source - 1
Sweeps Week - 3
Traffic Accident - 3 (3 influence)

Being a Butchershop variant, the main idea is to try and tax the runner so you can set up for a kill.  However, I don't think this arrangement does it very well.  I've gone with Harishchandra over Near-Earth Hub as I find I don't use the ability of NEH frequently enough to benefit from it, while knowing what the Runner is holding could be of great use.  That is, when I remember to tell the runner.

Agendas are a bit interesting.  TGTBT is there primarily to be used as bait.  You want the runner to hit this so you can folllow up with Midseason for even more tags.  Restructured could let you place large amounts of tags on the runner.  Executive Retreat is there mostly as filler, as I couldn't bring in Global Food Initiative due to the influence limits, and the deck isn't really set up for that.  Though, it might be a good idea to replace Executive with GFI and the Restructured with Explode-a-palooza.  The second one would certainly be thematic.  Maybe then replace TGTBT with Project Beale.

Ice is a mix of permeable and somewhat taxing.  It's not supposed to be about always keeping the runner out so much as it is letting them in at the right time, in theory.  Data Raven forces a tag, letting you see their hand, and maybe can let you place a tag at any time.  Hunter could land an early tag as well, plus it is cheap to rez.  Pop-up Window taxes the runner slightly, and makes some money for you.  Tollbooth should be taxing as well, although with Hunting Grounds becoming more popular, it may not be as taxing as it once was.  Wall of Static and Wraparound offer some cheap ETR ice that should still be a little taxing as the game goes in.

Assets are focused mostly on getting to the cards you need.  Jackson for straight up card draw and some recursion.  Lily Lockwell is an interesting choice.  She gives you three cards on rez, so ideally you want to bring her online when you are about ready to make the kill.  She can also be used to put an operation of your choice on top of the deck at the cost of a tag, so you could make decent use of the tags piled up on the runner.  PAD Campaign provides some drip economy.

Operations are the main way you will win.  Scorched Earth and Traffic Accident are your kill cards.  You'll ideally want at least one in your hand to make the kill so you can draw into another.  Midseason is how you'll get enough tags on the runner to make the kill.  SEA Source can land a tag to set up for a double Scorched.  Sweeps Week and Hedge Fund provide some burst economy.  Finally, Archived Memories sort of acts as a copy of any operation in your discard pile, or lets you pull off a kill with one Scorched, as you can use Archived Memories to get it back on the same turn you played it.

Now the downside.  The deck feels very vulnerable to Shaper.  It's easiest for them to defeat traces thanks to their easy access to lots of link strength, plus they have Film Critic in faction, which dodges both TGTBT and Midseason Replacments.  Criminal will also likely present problems, as Account Siphon can leave you without the money needed to make the kill unless you are lucky enough to have all three copies of Traffic Accident at once, and they don't bother removing the tags.  Finally, there's always the possibility that Plascrete Carapace will show up, which will make it much harder to make the kill.  It is possible to score out, but if the runner has had the time to set up, it's not likely you'll be able to do so.

Out of the ten games I recorded while playing this deck, I won 5 and lost 5, giving this deck a win rate of 50%, which is not great for a Butchershop variant.  As such, I put aside the deck for a while.  But that's the thing about movies - there's typically a sequel in the works.

Oh, and the deck takes its name from a sketch in an episode of Robot Chicken.  In the sketch, the characters are watching trailers in a movie theater, and one of the trailers is for a movie by Michael Bay which is nothing but explosions.  You can view the clip here:

Until next time, keep circulating the tapes.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

The Yellow King 2017 Season Store Championship

December marks the start of the 2017 Store Championship season, even though it is still 2016.  Still, this past weekend was the first one I was able to attend.  Here's what I was able to come up with this time.

Adam's Source - 49 cards
Identity: Adam - Compulsive Hacker

Corroder - 2 (4 influence)
Datasucker - 2 (2 influence)
Gordian Blade - 2 (6 influence)
Multithreader - 3
Ninja - 2 (4 influence)

Brain Chip - 3

Always Be Running - 1
Armitage Codebusting - 3
Daily Casts - 3
Dr. Lovegood - 3
Find the Truth - 1
Neutralize All Threats - 1
Safety First - 1
Scrubber - 3 (3 influence)
The Source - 3 (6 influence)

"Freedom Through Equality" - 3
Dirty Laundry - 3
Independent Thinking - 3
Sure Gamble - 3

Find the Truth is a big boon to Adam, as it means you are no longer forced to make a run at the start of every turn due to Always Be Running.  As such, my starting directives were always Find the Truth, Safety First, and Neutralize All Threats.  Basically, you want enough time to set up your basic rig, which The Source can help give you by delaying the corporation from scoring out too fast.  Once you have your breakers and a Multithreader or a Datasucker, you can start the process of snowballing.  The Source is especially good for Adam, as you can use Dr. Lovegood to shut it off on your turn, meaning you don't have to pay the extra cost to steal agendas, and it doesn't trash itself if you do steal one.  Economy is a bit mixed, but fairly decent.  Independent Thinking gives you some extra draw, and there's a backup of each directive in case you trash one that you want back.

Your Brain on Drugs - 44 cards
Identity: Cybernetics Division - Humanity Upgraded

Agendas (18 points)
Accelerated Beta Test - 3
Global Food Initiative - 3 (3 influence)
Self-Destruct Chips - 3

Gyri Labyrinth - 3
Heimdall 2.0 - 1
Janus 1.0 - 1
Mother Goddess - 1
NEXT Bronze - 3
NEXT Gold - 3
NEXT Silver - 3
Wotan - 1

Cerebral Overwriter - 3
Jackson Howard - 3 (3 influence)
PAD Campaign - 3

Cyberdex Virus Suite - 1

Biotic Labor - 3
Hedge Fund - 3
Lateral Growth - 3

Rumor was that a bunch of players from Denver were coming down with Jinteki net damage decks, so I figured why not try running a brain damage kill deck.  Granted, I probably could have done a better job with it.  I clearly didn't use all the influence, mostly because I had no idea what else I could have brought in to improve the deck.  And yes, there's no Enforced Curfew in the deck because I didn't own a copy of Martial Law when I pulled this deck together.  Otherwise, it's kind of a fairly standard fast advance deck.  Also, I put in one of each Heimdall 2.0, Janus 1.0 and Wotan because I was hoping that with this much ice in this small of a deck, I might have been able to hit one with Accelerated Beta Test.

Time to see how well it worked.  On to the rounds.

Round 1: vs. Adam
Adam vs. Engineering the Future: 9 - 6 W
Cybernetics Division vs. Noise: 2 - 1 W (flatline)

Not exactly sure if it's ironic that I ended up playing against a person named Adam with my Adam deck.  Still, it was an interesting first game.  I ended up taking some brain damage early on due to face checking a Viktor 1.0 and later a Heimdall 1.0 on the last click before my Corroder was up.  Still, I was able to use Safety First to draw into a Brain Chip, and then offset the brain damage by snagging a Mandatory Upgrades.  That started the ball rolling.  I was able to pull two more Mandatory Upgrades, but he was able to score out 3 Accelerated Beta Tests, so it was close.  However, I pulled a Priority Requisition out of his hand to win.  Corp game was also interesting.  I used Biotic Labor in order to score out an ABT on turn two, getting a NEXT SILVER and giving up a Self-Destruct Chip as a result.  Still, I was able to lure him into a twice advanced Cerebral Overwriter, and to top it off, he used Stimhack to get into the server, leaving him with 2 cards in hand.  So he took the 2 brain damage from Overwriter, and then died to the damage from Stimhack.  Not too bad for the first round.

Round 2: vs. Rick
Adam vs. New Angeles Sol: 2 - 7 L
Cybernetics Division vs. Ele "Smoke" Scovak: 2 - 7 L

Playing against Rick is always quite the experience.  I was able to snag a Global Food Initiative and 15 Minutes early on.  However, after that he was able to set up his defenses on HQ & R&D.  Apparently, there was a point where he was holding onto three agendas in hand, and I just kept missing them when I hit HQ, even with Neutralize All Threats in play.  It didn't help that sometimes I forgot to use the positive effects of Find the Truth and Safety First a few times.  At any rate, he was able to score out after that.  Second game, I couldn't get a good setup as the corp.  I ended up dumping high cost ice into Archives and used Jackson before scoring an ABT to shuffle them back into the deck.  I was able to get a NEXT Bronze and a Gyri Labyrinth out of that, but it wasn't enough as he was able to get set up and locked down my R&D after that.  Still, speaking with Rick afterwards has given me an idea on how to improve the deck.  Perhaps a later article will go over that new design.

Round 3: vs. Scott
Adam vs. Architects of Tomorrow: 7 - 0 W
Cybernetics Division vs. Valencia Estevez: 3 - 2 W (flatline)

I'll admit, losing to Rick put me slightly on tilt.  It didn't help either that I couldn't quite finish my lunch between rounds 2 and 3, so I wasn't in the greatest mood going into this match.  Still, it turned out better than I thought.  I was able to snag an ABT off of R&D early on thanks to seeing it with Find the Truth.  I then snagged a GFI and played out a Brain Chip.  I played Freedom Through Equality and then pulled another GFI out of his hand, which apparently was flooded with agendas, despite his earlier use of Jackson Howard.  Second game was pretty bad for him as well.  I ended up losing an ABT on turn one, but I think that set my strategy.  I was able to lure him into a twice advanced Cerbral Overwriter, which he used a Blackmail on to get to.  I snuck out a GFI thanks to two Biotic Labors.  Later on, I overwrote a Cerebral Overwrite to lure him into a third Cerebral Overwriter, which he Blackmailed into again.  I scored out a Self-Destruct Chips then, putting him onto a one turn time limit, which he was not able to win the game in.

I was able to finish up my lunch after that, and went into round 4 a bit more refreshed.

Round 4: vs. Matt
Cybernetics Division vs. Valencia Esteves: 4 - 7 L
Adam vs. Cerebral Imaging: 7 - 0 W

I was able to get fairly lucky with an early ABT, which pulled out all 3 copies of NEXT Silver, which I used to place one on each of the central servers.  That helped protect against Blackmail and DDoS.  Still, I gave up too many agendas and credits to Blackmail and Account Siphon.  What didn't really help me was him using Rebirth to change into Omar Keung and getting out Obelus, making my kill condition impossible.  He then got out a Medium and dug into R&D, taking the last agenda by sneaking into Archives and making it an R&D run.  Second game, I was able to build up and snagged an ABT while Freedom was out.  I took another ABT off of R&D and was able to snag a GFI out of his massive hand.

So I ended Swiss rounds with a 5-3 record.  Unfortunately, that wasn't good enough to make the top 4 and I placed 7th out of 18 players.  Still, that was much better than I was expecting to do.  I think this Adam build is viable and the Cybernetics Division might do much better once I implement the changes I have in mind.  Not sure if I'll be taking them to later store championships, as I think I'd like to test other ideas.  Well, if I can come up with any better ideas.

So until next time, try not to fry your brain with stims.

Friday, December 2, 2016

Petrie's 2016 Summer Tournament

Wow, it's almost been half a year since my last post.  For the most part, I've been working on other projects, which have been taking up much of my time and computer processing power.  But now, I'm back with a tournament report for a Summer GNK that took place on October 1st, after the equinox, so it was technically autumn.  Well, if I can be late, then that can be late too.

Kit and Caboodle - 45 cards
Identity: Rielle "Kit" Peddler

Atman - 3
Cyber-Cypher - 1
Datasucker - 2 (2 influence)
Gordian Blade - 1
Inti - 1
Magnum Opus - 2
Paintbrush - 1
Self-modifying Code - 3

Akamatsu Mem Chip - 2
Dyson Mem Chip - 3

Daily Casts - 3
Same Old Thing - 3

Diesel - 3
Dirty Laundry - 3
Modded - 2
Scavenge - 3
Sure Gamble - 3
The Maker's Eye - 3
Tinkering - 3

Not entirely sure what I was thinking here.  I wanted to try out Kit, but I didn't really have a good idea how to make it work.  Plus, I left 8 influence unused, which could have been filled easily with 2 copies of Account Siphon, which would have helped put pressure onto HQ.

Burnout - 49 cards
Identity: Near-Earth Hub

Agendas (20 points)
15 Minutes - 1
AstroScript Pilot Program - 1
Breaking News - 2 (-2 maximum influence)
Global Food Initiative - 3 (3 influence)
Project Beale - 3

Archer - 1 (2 influence)
News Hound - 3
Pop-up Window - 3
Tollbooth - 3
Vanilla - 2
Wall of Static - 3

Daily Business Show - 3
Hostile Infrastructure - 3 (6 influence)
PAD Campaign - 3
Turtlebacks - 3

Breaker Bay Grid - 3

Hedge Fund - 3
Sweeps Week - 3
Targeted Marketing - 3

I tried making my own asset spam deck.  It didn't turn out too well.  I suppose I should have spent more time looking at other NEH decks.

But enough of all that.  Let's get on to the matches.

Round 1: vs. Rick
Kit vs. Engineering the Future: 6 - 8 L
NEH vs. Chaos Theory: 3 - 7 L

Since it's been two months, I don't really remember specifics about these matches.  According to my notes, I was able to put early pressure onto R&D as Kit, but got locked out afterwards.  For the corporation match, I apparently missed with every Targeted Marketing I played.  Plus, I forgot that Rick was running an Au Revoir based economy, so he making massive amounts of cash, which I was unable to match.

Round 2: Bye
I took this time to have lunch.  I suppose I was hoping the time would allow me to refocus and refresh my mind, but I don't think that was the case.

Round 3: vs. Spencer
Kit vs. Engineering the Future: 6 - 8 L
NEH vs. Kit: 2 - 8 L

Well, apparently I was able to do really well again as Kit.  My notes say that I was able to get my rig up early and I was hammering R&D.  My notes also state that I should consider swapping out The Maker's Eye for R&D Interface, which might make more sense.  For the second game, my notes say I wasn't able to get any agendas out.  I guess I must have scored some 2-for-1s.

Round 4: vs. Jordan
Kit vs. SYNC: 3 - 8 L
NEH vs. Andromeda: 0 - 7 L

My notes say I let through a SanSan City Grid on turn 1 so I could get my economy working.  But I apparently couldn't get my rig set up.  For the second game, I apparently chose to start with a Sweeps Week despite not having decent ice, and was unable to properly defend R&D as a result.

And that's about it.  With that performance, it's no surprise I placed 15th out of 15 players.  I'd like to think that I learned something from these losses, but I can't seem to come up with anything right now.  Maybe something about having more than one path to victory.  Oh well.  At any rate, hopefully this will mean more articles in the near future.

Until next time, prepare for a movie experience unlike any other.