Friday, December 2, 2016

Petrie's 2016 Summer Tournament

Wow, it's almost been half a year since my last post.  For the most part, I've been working on other projects, which have been taking up much of my time and computer processing power.  But now, I'm back with a tournament report for a Summer GNK that took place on October 1st, after the equinox, so it was technically autumn.  Well, if I can be late, then that can be late too.

Kit and Caboodle - 45 cards
Identity: Rielle "Kit" Peddler

Atman - 3
Cyber-Cypher - 1
Datasucker - 2 (2 influence)
Gordian Blade - 1
Inti - 1
Magnum Opus - 2
Paintbrush - 1
Self-modifying Code - 3

Akamatsu Mem Chip - 2
Dyson Mem Chip - 3

Daily Casts - 3
Same Old Thing - 3

Diesel - 3
Dirty Laundry - 3
Modded - 2
Scavenge - 3
Sure Gamble - 3
The Maker's Eye - 3
Tinkering - 3

Not entirely sure what I was thinking here.  I wanted to try out Kit, but I didn't really have a good idea how to make it work.  Plus, I left 8 influence unused, which could have been filled easily with 2 copies of Account Siphon, which would have helped put pressure onto HQ.

Burnout - 49 cards
Identity: Near-Earth Hub

Agendas (20 points)
15 Minutes - 1
AstroScript Pilot Program - 1
Breaking News - 2 (-2 maximum influence)
Global Food Initiative - 3 (3 influence)
Project Beale - 3

Archer - 1 (2 influence)
News Hound - 3
Pop-up Window - 3
Tollbooth - 3
Vanilla - 2
Wall of Static - 3

Daily Business Show - 3
Hostile Infrastructure - 3 (6 influence)
PAD Campaign - 3
Turtlebacks - 3

Breaker Bay Grid - 3

Hedge Fund - 3
Sweeps Week - 3
Targeted Marketing - 3

I tried making my own asset spam deck.  It didn't turn out too well.  I suppose I should have spent more time looking at other NEH decks.

But enough of all that.  Let's get on to the matches.

Round 1: vs. Rick
Kit vs. Engineering the Future: 6 - 8 L
NEH vs. Chaos Theory: 3 - 7 L

Since it's been two months, I don't really remember specifics about these matches.  According to my notes, I was able to put early pressure onto R&D as Kit, but got locked out afterwards.  For the corporation match, I apparently missed with every Targeted Marketing I played.  Plus, I forgot that Rick was running an Au Revoir based economy, so he making massive amounts of cash, which I was unable to match.

Round 2: Bye
I took this time to have lunch.  I suppose I was hoping the time would allow me to refocus and refresh my mind, but I don't think that was the case.

Round 3: vs. Spencer
Kit vs. Engineering the Future: 6 - 8 L
NEH vs. Kit: 2 - 8 L

Well, apparently I was able to do really well again as Kit.  My notes say that I was able to get my rig up early and I was hammering R&D.  My notes also state that I should consider swapping out The Maker's Eye for R&D Interface, which might make more sense.  For the second game, my notes say I wasn't able to get any agendas out.  I guess I must have scored some 2-for-1s.

Round 4: vs. Jordan
Kit vs. SYNC: 3 - 8 L
NEH vs. Andromeda: 0 - 7 L

My notes say I let through a SanSan City Grid on turn 1 so I could get my economy working.  But I apparently couldn't get my rig set up.  For the second game, I apparently chose to start with a Sweeps Week despite not having decent ice, and was unable to properly defend R&D as a result.

And that's about it.  With that performance, it's no surprise I placed 15th out of 15 players.  I'd like to think that I learned something from these losses, but I can't seem to come up with anything right now.  Maybe something about having more than one path to victory.  Oh well.  At any rate, hopefully this will mean more articles in the near future.

Until next time, prepare for a movie experience unlike any other.

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